
“Our mission is to empower, connect, and advocate for sustainable business growth across the Denmark region, by providing our member businesses with advocacy, networking, promotion, and business support.”

Our story

The Denmark Chamber of Commerce was officially incorporated in 1989. It was created to help retain public and private expenditure amongst local businesses, particularly in relation to the work of the Shire of Denmark.

To ensure the organisation was financially sustainable, the local Denmark Business and Community Directory was developed in 1992 and since 2019, the directory is also online.

The Denmark Chamber of Commerce vision and strategy are based on the premise that the economic growth of Denmark is best served by the growth of the small – medium enterprise sector seeking lifestyle choices and investing in innovative economic development that supports our natural and social environment.

In November 2021, DCC received a three-yearsmall-medium service and lease agreement with the Shire of Denmark to become the leader in local tourism. This saw the office moved to the Denmark Visitor Centre and exciting new future for the Discover Denmark brand.

We employ three part-time staff, have over 20 active volunteers with a strong membership base.


As a Chamber we:

• Respond to the needs of our members

• Value and maintain our independent voice

• Seek to build the capacity and resilience of the Chamber so that it can enhance the level of benefits to members and their families

• Facilitate and support opportunities to provide year-round trade into Denmark and our region.

Our values

To be the organisation that facilitates and supports economic development for Denmark and the region.

Our mission

To empower, connect and advocate for sustainable business growth across the Denmark region, by providing our businesses with advocacy, networking, promotion and business support.

Denmark Chamber Committee


Chris Langslow, Denmark Chamber president

Chris Langslow


Stuart Evens, Denmark Chamber vice president

Stuart Evans

Vice President

Kath Kinnear, Denmark Chamber Treasurer

Kath Kinnear


Julia Fitzgerald, Denmark Chamber secretary

Julia Fitzgerald


Juliet Grist, Denmark Chamber committee

Juliet Grist


Michael Cranny, Denmark Chamber committee

Christine Rumble


Gill Atkinson, Denmark Chamber committee

Gill Atkinson


Contact us

Find out more about how the Denmark Chamber can help you and your business

73 South Coast Hwy, Denmark
9848 2065