June Business After Hours

Hosted by the WA College of Agriculture the June Business After Hours was an entertaining evening. Chamber members were invited to meet in the Trade Training Centre where a grazing table with sweet and savoury options sourced from the College farm was on offer along with spritzers and mocktails.

Students from the college mingled with Chamber members and were chatty and informative. Principal Rebecca Kirkwood has been in the position for 3 years and is the first female principal at the College. Keen to share the work of the College with the town Rebecca offers regular tours of the College. These occur the first Tuesday of the month at 3.15pm and are open to all community members. They are popular, so it’s best to book to secure a spot. You can do that by calling 9848 0200.The College has 147 students from Year 10 through to Year 12 and attracts students from all around WA and even from Tasmania. Competition for places is high. With 97 students boarding and the range of courses on offer the College is one of Denmark’s biggest employers.

New members Anala Linckens with MindSwitch Australia and Ryan Christophers with his business South Regional Fencing were introduced and we welcome them to the Denmark Chamber of Commerce.












Bee Pope and Zac Launay

Ben Bateman and Adyn Reid

David Stockdale and Nina Bradshaw