Mentorship Program Application

Young Women in Business Mentorship Program


    Your Name (required)

    This program is only eligible for residents in the Shire of Denmark. Do you live in the Shire of Denmark? (required)
    YesNo (sorry you are not eligible for this program)

    Mobile (required)

    Email (required)

    Your age - to be eligible you must be 17–30 years old as of July 1, 2021 (required)

    What is your highest level of education?

    Are you currently in school? If "no" proceed to the next section.

    What school are you currently attending and what is your area of focus?

    Expected completion date?

    Explain why you want to participate in the Young Women in Business Mentorship Program. (max 150 words)

    What do you hope to achieve from participating in this program? (max 150 words)

    Describe yourself as fully and accurately as possible in less than 150 words.

    Please list some hobbies/interests you like to do for fun.

    Contact Us

    73 South Coast Hwy, Denmark WA 6333

    9848 2065

    9am - 3pm Monday to Friday